David L. Gruenberg, Esq
The Village Attorney is the chief legal officer of the Village and serves as head of the Village’s Legal Department. The principal function of the Village Attorney is to advise the Village Board, Department Heads, and other Village officials with regard to the functions and legal incidents relating to the duties of their respective offices. In addition, the Village Attorney:
- Advises the Village Board as to the legal implications of contemplated policy, actions and administrative decisions;
- Advises and assists Village departments, boards, committees, and commissions in the execution of their duties;
- Conducts legal research and provides legal advice and opinions to the Village Board, Mayor, department heads, boards, committees, and commissions;
- Assists with the development of and drafts proposed legislation, rules, regulations and policies for Village programs and operations;
- Reviews and comments on legislation, rules and regulations of other governmental agencies which may affect the Village;
- Reviews and comments on legislative proposals submitted by other outside entities, individuals and special interest groups;
- Negotiates, drafts and reviews agreements, contracts, bid documents, deeds, easements, and other legal instruments for Village transactions;
- Defends, supervises and coordinates the defense of actions and proceedings against the Village, its officers, boards and commissions in any action brought against it or them in their official capacities in all levels of court—County, State, Federal and Village; and
- Coordinates with the Village’s insurance carriers and their attorneys in defense of the Village against tort claims.
Phone: (518) 766-3044, Ext 2
Fax: (518) 766-2939
Office hours: By appointment