The Village of Nassau Youth Committee was established by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees in May 2012. The purpose of the Committee is to initiate, develop, encourage, coordinate, and host events, activities, and programs with and for young people in the Village, to improve communication between the Village Board and various groups involved with the development of young people, and coordinating with and supporting other community groups interested in, but not completely focused on programs for young people. The Village Committee has an excellent working classationship with the Town Youth Committee and the two groups co-host events throughout the year.
- Judith Ziller (Chair)
- Angela Alessi
- Denise Conway
- Patricia Sahr
- Margaret Van Deusen
Phone: (518) 766-3044, Ext 2
Fax: (518) 766-2939
Meeting Archive
- Meeting 1: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 2: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 3: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 4: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 1: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 2: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 3: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 4: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 1: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 2: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 3: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 4: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 1: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 2: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 3: Agenda, Minutes
- Meeting 4: Agenda, Minutes