Historic Preservation Commission

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Nassau adopted Local Law Number 5 in September 1990 to provide a way to protect landmarks and historic districts within the Village. Known as the Historic Preservation Law, the legislation establishes a Historic Preservation Commission as a review panel to evaluate proposed changes in structures located in local historic districts.

Three separate historic districts have been established in the Village.

1. Church Street Historic District – numbers 8 through Grace United Methodist Church on the south side, and numbers 1 through 69 on the north side of Church Street
2. Albany Avenue Historic District- numbers 21 through 37 on the south side, and number 36 on the north side of Albany Avenue
3. Chatham Street Historic District – numbers 14 through 22 on the west side of Chatham Street.

Prior to certain types of construction, renovation or exterior changes to structures within a historic district, the property owner, or designated tradesperson, must apply with the Historic Preservation Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness granting permission for the requested project.

Members of the Commission are appointed by the Board of Trustees and serve 5 year terms. They meet on an as needed basis


  • Kurt Vincent (Chair) (term ending 2022)
  • Allan Maloney (term ending 2024)
  • Melody Howarth (term ending 2021)
  • Keith Prior (term ending 2024)


Email: historicpreservation@villageofnassau.org
Phone: (518) 766-3044, Ext 2
Fax: (518) 766-2939