The Village Water Department provides safe drinking water and water for fire protection to more than 1,100 village residents. Water department staff are responsible for the treatment and distribution of water, installing and maintaining fire hydrants for fire protection, and maintaining water mains and valves.
The Village of Nassau Water System was created in 1905 to serve the residents of the Village. The system consists of 2 wells and a 300,000 gallon water tank. Over the years, the water system has been upgraded. Most recently, a new water tank was constructed in 2011; electrical shed and control system in 2013, new chlorinator in 2013, and propane-fired emergency generator in 2014.
Water department staff continuously monitor the water as well as it being tested by an independent laboratory to guarantee the bacteriological safety of the water.
Department Reports
Important Dates
- Water fees (residential and commercial) are billed twice a year and are due on or before April 30 and October 31. The fees are based upon the schedule listed below. Fees are adjusted every three (3) years.
Important Forms
- (None at the moment)
Water Department FAQs
Water Conservation Hints
Nassau residents are urged to conserve water whenever possible, but especially during high demand periods. The best way to help us conserve water is to minimize any outside water use from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Our customers with automatic lawn sprinklers can help us by adjusting their timers to this schedule and by installing moisture sensors. Some other suggestions for conserving water are:
- CHECKING and REPAIRING all leaks! – Toilets, faucets and garden hose spigots.
- Installing water-saving plumbing fixtures such as low-flow shower heads and water saving toilets.
- Covering pools to reduce evaporation.
- Using a broom, instead of a hose to clean driveways and sidewalks.
- Keep drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the faucet run until the water is cool.
- Water lawns and landscaping during the morning or evening to avoid excess evaporation. Use mulch around shrubs to save moisture. Use drought-tolerant and native plants.
Phone: (518) 766-3044 Ext 0
Fax: (518) 766-2939