The Village of Nassau Justice Court handles criminal matters, traffic infractions, small claims up to $3,000, civil matters, and village ordinance/code violations and evictions. The court accepts payments by cash, certified check or money order. Money orders should be made payable to “Nassau Village Court”. We DO NOT accept personal checks.
The Justice Court and Court Clerk’s office are located at 40 Malden Street, Nassau, NY 12123.
The following link is to a website that provides detailed information on how a landlord can start a case against a tenant:
Credit Card Authorization Form
Landlord’s Guide to Nonpayment Summary Proceedings
Landlord’s Forms Packet for Nonpayment Summary Proceedings
Emmalynn Blake
Robert Schuman
Debbie Coppola
John Knight
Phone: (518) 766-3044, Ext 1
Fax: (518) 931-4238
Office hours:
Tuesday evenings 5:30 – 6:30 when court is in session.
Monday & Wednesday 9:00am – 12:00pm
Upcoming Court Dates
(Court starts at 6:30 PM)