Employment Opportunity


The Village of Nassau Seeks P/T Code Enforcement Officer

Minium Qualifications: Building Standards and Code, Basic Training Certification

Duties: Monitor the Village for Code Violations. Monitor Village properties for Building Permits as required. Work with the Building Inspector, Planning Board, and ZBA as necessary to ensure proper procedure is followed for a change of use. Issue letters to remedy such violations found. Cite, issue order of compliance, and attend Village Court as necessary to gain compliance. Review all use/change of use applications, and refer to the Zoning or Planning Board as appropriate.

Hours of work and salary are negotiable.

Interested applicants may send resume to Melissa, Clerk@VillageofNassau.org



Melissa Turner-Bulan

Village of Nassau Clerk

40 Malden Street

P.O. Box 452

Nassau, NY 12123

Phone: 518-766-3044 Ext 0

Fax: 518-766-2939