Immediate Committee Openings

Village of Nassau

Volunteer Positions Available

The Village of Nassau is looking for community minded residents to serve on Village Committees. Currently the Village has openings on the following Committees:

Planning Board – 2, The Planning Board reviews plans for new construction and changes in use within the Village Limits.

Zoning Board of Appeals – 2, The Zoning Board mediates disputes between residents and businesses requesting relief from Village Zoning requirements.

Beautification Committee – 4, The Beautification Committee undertakes the annual planting of flowers around the Village as well as planning summer events.

The Village provides training and assistance for these positions at no cost to the members.


If you are a Village Resident and would like to be involved in your community please contact the Village Clerk, Melissa Turner-Bulan, 518-766-3440, x0,

M-F 8:00AM -12:00PM, or email


Thank you,

Robert W, Valenty, Mayor

Village of Nassau