Please take notice that upon a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Nassau, a public hearing will be held on proposed Local Law No. 1 of the Year 2018, titled “A Local Law to authorize a charitable gifts reserve fund tax credit pursuant to real property tax law § 980-a”. The hearing will be held at the Village Hall of the Village of Nassau at 40 Malden Street, Nassau, New York, on May 24, 2018, AT 6:00 pm, to receive public comment on the proposed Local Law. A Special Meeting will be held immediately following the Public Hearing to take action.
The proposed local law would establish a property tax credit for village property taxpayers. Persons making an unrestricted charitable monetary contribution to the Village’s charitable gifts reserve fund would receive a written acknowledgement of that contribution, and obtain a credit against their Village real property taxes equal to 95% of the contribution.
A copy of the proposed local law is available for inspection in the Office of the Village Clerk, during her normal office hours, and is also posted online on the Village website. By order of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Nassau
Dated: May 11 , 2018 Melissa Turner-Bulan, Nassau Village Clerk
Nassau Village Hall
40 Malden Street
Nassau, NY 12123
LOCAL LAW 1-2018 Charitable Gift Reserve Fund Local Law 5 10 18